Noredindian worked with Joe Gideon on the release and tour around his 2020 album Armagideon on Clouds Hill Records.
The record was written and recorded with Jim Sclavunos (Bad Seeds) whom Joe met on tour in 2012 with his band Joe Gideon & The Shark, and their band mate Gris-De-Lin. Joe, Gris-de-Lin and Jim played densely layered arrangements, which include an army of saxophones, an antique piano, a cranky old synth-vibraphone rescued from the dumpster, heavenly choirs and a menagerie of percussion instruments.
Man & The Echo formed in Warrington in 2014. Their eponymous debut album came out in 2016 on 1965 Records. Noredindian worked with the band, helping them obtain a publishing deal and funding from Arts Council England toward the release of their second album Men Of The Moment, which came out on Still Nil NIl Records in 2019.
Noredindian worked with James on promoting his first album and helped him obtain a publishing contract and secure the services of an agent. Still big fans of his work, and keep a keen eye on what he's working on.